Fujara flute history

Fujara flute history in-short

The Fujara flute is basically a gothic bass 3 hole flute. Such 3 hole bass flutes have been known, and used in Europe in 12th-13th centuries (this is verified from paintings, and by archaeology).

Because these flutes had just 3 holes, the player often played them with just one hand (it was shorter), and acompanied himself by playing a drum with the other hand.

In Brussels museum there is a similar 3 hole bass flute approximately 93-102 cm long, with 2 holes in the front side and 1 hole in the back side and with side air pipe, origin – Northern Italy. This instrument is very
similar to archaic type of Fujara flute found at Slovakia in the past around a village Priechod (“Priechod’s Fujara flute”).

In this context the place of origin of current Fujara bass flute is now considered north of Banska Bystrica,
brought there probably by a division of foreign soldiers stationed there during Turkish wars.
This 3 hole bass flute was “conserved” there, and later, after movement to Detva region, was the design changed to the current Fujara bass flute design with all 3 side holes in the front side. Also the lenght of bass flute’s main pipe was almost doubled and thus achieved even lower deep bass tunings.
Even today the Slovakian style of enhancing the melody of the Fujara flute by ornaments resembles baroque playing style…



The full story

“I remember my old conversation with uncle Paciga, respected Fujara craftsmen. I entreated him to show me how to mark out the holes on the …
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